Diversity and inclusivity enhance our school’s ability to offer a rich, holistic education experience for our students. When students learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, they develop respect for diversity and gain a well-rounded knowledge of their Australia’s history.

Australia is a multicultural society and we aim to embrace and treasure what each individual brings to our school. Our aim is to acknowledge and celebrate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage of Australia through sharing and experiencing activities and events within our school and broader community.

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a document that provides a framework for organisations to support the national reconciliation movement. For schools across the country, completing a RAP is done using this model.

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17 Chamberlain Street
Ingham QLD 4850
(07) 4776 2888 admin@gilroysm.catholic.edu.au

19 Sep

We are in week 1 of school holidays
Term 4 starts Monday 30 September 2024