To provide quality learning environments, Catholic schools have fees to help meet the shortfall in government funding provided to students in government schools. Catholic schools strive to keep fees as low as possible. The term “school fees” includes tuition fees and levies. Each school assesses the school levies necessary to meet their individual school and community operation requirements. In doing this they are directly guided by the tuition fee set by Townsville Catholic Education.
Fees statements are distributed to families at the beginning of each term via email. The preferred method of payment is BPay. Fees can also be paid by cash, credit card and direct deposit. Direct debit arrangements can also be made.
Some items included in school fees:
- Student devices – Chromebook or Laptop – including licences, accidental insurance and laptop bags
- Subject levies including materials and resources for food technology, art and design technologies etc.
- Textbooks and other learning resources including online
- Camps/Retreats/Excursions
Please contact the Business Manager for further information.
School Fees
Senior Subjects – Certificate Courses
- Fees for senior Certificate courses and elective subjects are set out in the Senior Handbook and at the time of enrolling. Costs not covered by the Annual Levy include:
- Vocational studies: Course fees for Certificates II, III & IV, RSA / RSG and First Aid qualifications are invoiced directly by the training organisation (RTO) or will be invoiced with school fees
- Excursion fees may apply for Senior elective subjects (confirmed prior to the excursion)
- Technologies - personal protective equipment may be required
Catholic Schools Family Discount
Our Primary/Secondary fee structure offers families discounted fees for younger children attending Catholic primary schools in the Herbert River district. Therefore if you have children at Gilroy Santa Maria College and also at either Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School or St Peter’s Catholic School, you will receive a discount on your Tuition Fees at those two primary schools.
To take advantage of this new family fee discount, parents/carers should contact the principal of either Lourdes or St Peter’s, informing them of older siblings attending Gilroy. Please note that families with more than one child at Gilroy Santa Maria College automatically receive a discount on their fees for their younger children.
Pensioner and Health Care Card Holders Fee Discounts
In addition to these family fee discounts, parents/carers with a
Financial Difficulties
Families without these cards who are experiencing financial difficulty should speak with the College Principal principal to apply for special consideration. Importantly, no child will be denied enrolment due to financial difficulty. Parent/carers should discuss this matter with the school principal who will treat the situation with understanding, sensitivity and confidentiality.
17 Chamberlain Street
Ingham QLD 4850
Monday - Thursday