College Timeline

February – Cardinal Gilroy College opens with 93 pupils in Grades 3 to Junior Standard.
First Christian Brothers Community – Br Ephren Cryan (Superior), Br Hugh Wittig (Sub-superior) and Br Loyola Baillie
Br Cryan - first Principal.
Name – Cardinal Gilroy College in honour of Australia’s first Cardinal
The chapel was dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima as principal patron, with Blessed Martin de Porres as secondary patron.
Chapel was first diocesan building to be dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.
The altar, with picture of Our Lady of the Moon on the front, the Stations of the Cross and picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour were built and donated by the Messina family. The artwork was done in ‘poker work’ by an Estonian migrant, Herman Ilves.
The tabernacle was donated by the Lee family.
Statues of Our Lady of Fatima and of Blessed Martin de Porres were sent out from Ireland.
Girls from Lourdes Convent came over to Gilroy.
School named Santa Maria .
Principal Sister Anita.
Cardwell students brought to Gilroy by college acquired bus.
First year of combined college.
First intake of year 11 students – 75 enrolled
40th Anniversary of the College.
Introduction of Open Day for Year 7 students.
Introduction of the Student Representative Council.
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17 Chamberlain Street
Ingham QLD 4850
Monday - Thursday